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Dating and Botox

Does your significant other raise concerns when you mention Botox or is completely against it all together? Well, you’re not the only one dealing with this adversity when trying to get some “self care” done.

Nine times out of ten, it’s likely your S.O has a huge misunderstanding of what Botox will/can do to your face. Just the word “botox” can throw them into a whirlpool of concern. In reality, a lot of people confuse what filler and plastic surgery can do to your face vs botox. If your S.O shows you pictures of celebrities that have a “botched” look, they are most likely pointing out what plastic surgery and filler have done to them. The large lips, overly-tight and filled-in skin look most definitely is not the result of safely injected botox. Instead of arguing with him/her, bring them along to your botox consult. Let them hear from a highly-trained medical professional what botox can do when used in the correct amount, and what it can treat. They might be so surprised about how wrong they were, they might want to get some themselves!

Which brings us to the second part of this topic; would you, ladies, be okay dating a man who receives botox?

Botox already has a huge stigma attached to it; but for men, it’s even worse. In 2019, nearly 500,000 men in the US received botox treatment. 10 years ago, you could ask a cosmetic doctor how many male patients they have and the answer would be practically none. As of 2014, a Manhattan doctor, Dr. Steinbrech, says that men make up more than 80% of his clientele. So, with the modern man now getting cosmetic treatments, how do modern women feel about this? A New Jersey magazine, The Digest, took to the streets to ask women how they felt about men getting botox and if they would be okay dating a man who goes under the needle. A lot of women defended men who do get botox and said there’s nothing wrong with men wanting to stay looking young. And then, there was a few who answered a bit judgmentally. One woman cited that it would be a deal breaker for her because if she doesn’t have the time/money to get her own botox done she most certainly doesn’t want a man in her life that could possibly look better than her. C’mon ladies, were better than that. When we say “lets de-stigmatize botox” we don’t just mean it for women. Men deserve to feel and look their best too!

*Reference articles: